Which Romantic Comedy is Your Relationship?

This WILL determine your future.

Liz Carlson
Created by Liz Carlson
On Mar 29, 2017

Where did you first meet your S/O?

When your S/O finds out you had a bad day, they...

What do you and your S/O do on a Sunday morning?

What is the most embarrassing thing that you've ever done in your relationship?

What's your idea of the perfect Valentine's Day gift?

What is your social circle like?

Which leading man makes your heart swoon?

What do you and your S/O fight about the most?

What is your dream happy ending?

Why do you love being in the relationship?

How to Lose a Guy in 10 Days

How to Lose a Guy in 10 Days

You got How to Lose a Guy in 10 Days! You and your S/O like to play games. You're always one step ahead of them and like to keep it that way. You enjoy going on adventures and tend to get pretty jealous if they're giving attention to someone else.

The Proposal

The Proposal

You got The Proposal! Your relationship started off a bit rocky, maybe you even hated each other at first. But their little quirks are what made you fall for them eventually. You desire stability and you don’t open up easily. You’ve always been a very ambitious person who puts your goals and desires first over a relationship. But you’re learning to open up.

When Harry Met Sally

When Harry Met Sally

You got When Harry Met Sally! Your significant other and you have known each other for years and were friends long before you started something up. You have a deeply rooted foundation and know each other very well. You don’t like playing games and prefer to be straightforward and know what the other person wants. You’re a long-term relationship person.

500 Days of Summer

500 Days of Summer

You got 500 Days of Summer! Your relationship is newer and still in the uncertainty stage. You really like them but it’s hard to tell how they feel. You find them fascinating and beautiful and intriguing, but it might be a matter of time before they move on unless something special happens. You’ve just got to find the right time to have that conversation and figure out where it’s going.

The Holiday

The Holiday

You got The Holiday! You met at a time in your life when you weren’t expecting anything. You were either recently brokenhearted or had been single a long time. You have been doing some learning about yourself and are in a much healthier place now. You finally opened up to someone good for you. Don’t screw it up!

Love Actually

Love Actually

You got Love Actually! Your relationship is kind of open ended. You haven’t labeled things yet and are not sure what’s next for you. You’re in it for the passion and the feeling of someone new, but aren’t sure you’re looking for anything serious. You should make sure you know where the other person is at before you break their heart, though.

These are 10 of the World CRAZIEST Ice Cream Flavors
Created by Tal Garner
On Nov 18, 2021