Which Survivor Diaries Character Are You?
Which Survivor Diaries Character Are You?
Bestselling Author Lynn Lamb's Survivor Diaries: a post-apocalyptic book series that will captivate your imagination and leave your wondering, would I survive?http://amzn.to/1NrJcJ1
When a global nuclear war hits, a small band of survivors in a neighborhood in Monterey, California, must work together or perish. Growth is hard, but stagnation means death!
Bestselling Author Lynn Lamb's Survivor Diaries: a post-apocalyptic book series that will captivate your imagination and leave your wondering, would I survive?http://amzn.to/1NrJcJ1
When a global nuclear war hits, a small band of survivors in a neighborhood in Monterey, California, must work together or perish. Growth is hard, but stagnation means death!
What kind of vacation planner are you?
You are at the park with a child in your care. The child climbs to the very top of rickety structure. What would you do?
There's an intruder in your house. What do you do?
You really can't stand your job, but you have a family to support. What do you do?
You are building a house and can only pick one of the following: Herbal Garden, Storm Shelter, State of the Art Kitchen, Play Room, Study, Library, Hot Tub, Shooting Range
You are forced to play paintball as part of your company's "Team Building Experiences." A co-worker you can't stand is trapped by the other team. What do you do?
You are in a relationship and begin to have feelings for someone new. Do you ...
Laura Patton
Laura Patton
You are the Leader: Laura Patton
Laura Patton is a reluctant leader and an even more reluctant warrior, but she does what she needs to do to ensure the continuation of the human race. She has a complex psychological profile. She starts out with a “fake it until you make it” mentality, only to find she doesn’t need to fake her leadership abilities; she was born to lead. She is unwaveringly honest, brave, has good gut instincts, and is an observant judge of character. Laura leads through emotional intuition. She wears her heart on her sleeve. When most would give up, she comes back swinging. She has what it takes to survive the apocalypse and beyond.
Col Phillip Jackson
Col Phillip Jackson
You are the Leader's Watcher: Col. Phillip Jackson
Colonel Phillip Jackson is used to leading the charge, but he is also comfortable following Laura on her quest to save the Village. His purpose is to guide the person who immerges as the leader of a group of survivors. He is often secretive. He has a wicked and sharp sense of humor, and often lends a lightness to dark situations. He can be a curmudgeon, but he is fiercely loving and loyal, too. Jackson knows what he wants and will do whatever it takes to get it.
Mark Balous
Mark Balous
You are Linguist: Mark Balous
Mark Balous was born to fight in the apocalypse. He is introspective, and intelligent—speaking five languages. He doesn’t always agree with Laura’s decisions, but would never publically call her out on them. He is an asset to the team and a good person to have around when the chips are down. He continually comes through for everyone, even for his rival, Phillip Jackson.
Annie Patton
Annie Patton
You are Food Supply Supervisor: Annie Patton
Annie Balous is the quintessential mama bear. She is nurturing and loving but would tear apart anyone who threatened her brood. She is an extreme worry-wart, especially when it comes to her family. She finds deep satisfaction in cooking for the Village. She is the official Food Supply Supervisor for the Village.
You are War Orphan: Bailey
Bailey was forced to stay inside her home and watch her parents’ parish before her eyes. She has carried around her fears of losing loved ones, and those fears have come to pass. Bailey is highly perceptive, and empathetic to the pain of others. She is a critical thinker, always eager to pitch in where she can.
Brianna Patton
Brianna Patton
You are Disillusioned Soldier: Brianna Patton
Briana Patton was in the National Guard prior to the Last War. She became disillusioned with the Army after being left on her own to fight her way back to her family. She also studied psychology in college, and studies under the Village’s resident psychologist to continue her education. Bri is tough on the outside, but a loving family person on the inside.
Amanda Patton
Amanda Patton
You are the Shy Intellect: Ammie Patton
Amanda Patton has the highest IQ in the Village. Ammie is extremely shy, finding it difficult to speak in groups outside of her family. She studies both medicine under the doctor and engineering under Thomas Stevenson. She is in a relationship with them much older engineer/Army Major. She is a worrier, just like her grandmother, and is as emotionally present as her Aunt Laura.