What kinda donut are you!
What kinda donut are you!
Have you ever wonder what kinda donut you were...off course you have what kinda a person wouldn't .Certainly not a person with a life .....
Have you ever wonder what kinda donut you were...off course you have what kinda a person wouldn't .Certainly not a person with a life .....
Are you shy?
What color do you like?
Do you like the dark or the light?
Outside or Inside?
Inside van or outside van?
If you had a pet fish what would you name it?
Why did you choose to waste your time on this test?
pink sprinkled donut
pink sprinkled donut
You are a bright and shiny happy pink loving donut. You love hanging out with friends going shopping and have a great sense of humor. You make everyone smile and most people want to be around you. You rarely get sad or mad and you always forgive people
and you love sparkles and pink.
Dark chocolate donut
Dark chocolate donut
You are very cool and lazy at times. You don't like light or waking up in the morning and sometimes you don't want to be near anyone. You HATE school with a burning passion but you like showing off and hanging with your friends. sometimes you can be sassy and like locking yourself in your room with the lights off eating chocolate. You don't care what other people think of you. you are a true chocolate donut
Glazed donut
Glazed donut
You are an average donut. Like one of those people in Glee wear there part of the sining group but you don't know their names and they don't get any solos but there... just...there. I mean you not so bad you have a glaze and sometimes when you go to Crispy Cream dressed up like a pirate you get a glazed donut for FREE. I mean seriously you are very kind and caring but super shy like REALLY shy you speak really quite so you don't really make any friends but once they get to know there see the true glaze on top.
Donut holes
Donut holes
You are so FREAKING CUTE I mean everyone wants to eat you right up! You are small compared to the other kids and shyish but outgoing at times you love be the center of attention and you are very ticklish you are very kind like so kind that if you saw a leaf fall you would take a hot glue gun and glue it back to the tree and skip all the way home with a huge smile.
Breakfast donut
Breakfast donut
Ok what the heck! you are a wannabe for starters you cant be a "breakfast donut" donut is breakfast or desert. It hurts me that they would do this. You should probably just retake the test, but if you want to hear your "traits" then well I guess your bossy, outgoing, wants to be the center of attention, cant decide what to be. ummmmm your kind? and funny thats it. NOW RETAKE THE TEST!
Long John
Long John
Your tall and love chocolate, your are very soft in the inside and is obsessed with almost anything you could probably rant all night about a toothpick. Your very smart and will correct anyone who makes a mistake in grammer even if there like 5 miles away and you don't know them. You will stay in your room all day watching tv on your computer and texting your friends about the smallest detail. If any of your favorite characters dies..... well lets just say NO ONE wants to be by you when that happens you will literally eat a whole carton of ice cream in 5 minutes while listing to the song "fix you" in a dark room.
Jelly donut
Jelly donut
You are fluffy on the out side and yummy in the inside, I would have to say you are the most kind and caring person you love fan fiction and hanging out with your buddies and you don't like going outside and hate sports your very artistic and you love pets and anything sweet you are very wild with your friends and shy without them you think badly of yourself sometimes you will watch a whole series of show at once in one day and sometimes when you start something you never Finnish it just stays there and haunts you...forever.