What Type of Guy is Right for You?

What man could you handle? I DON'T OWN ANY OF THESE IMAGES! Credit goes to the rightful owners, they are just from Google Images.

Created by Madnelcie (User Generated Content*)User Generated Content is not posted by anyone affiliated with, or on behalf of, Playbuzz.com.
On Mar 29, 2017

What Scent of Candle do you Prefer?

How do you Feel about your Friends?

How Clumsy are You?

What Color do you think your Aura is?

What is/was your Favorite Subject in School?

What do you want to be for Halloween?

Finally, and most Importantly, what do you look for most in a Guy?

Bad Boy

Bad Boy

You need a bad boy! You are not the girl that needs to be swept off your feet. You like a guy who doesn’t have the need to bug you every second of every day and when they do, it has to be for a good reason. Nothing in this world seems especially significant to you, and you want someone to understand that. A word of advice- there is a difference between bully and bad boy so be conscious of that.

Sporty Guy

Sporty Guy

You need a sporty guy! You are a relatively funny and athletic girl and you want someone who can keep up. Your guy has to be as energetic and flirty as you or you will get bored. You like to enjoy the good things in life and ignore the bad things and your guy will have to live up to that. My advice for you is to pick a smart one. Dumb does not equal fun.

Nerdy Hunk

Nerdy Hunk

You would like a nerdy boy! No, no, I don’t mean Urkel glasses and gap teeth. I mean a cutie nerd. You want the kind of guy that likes to play video games with you and post silly selfies on Instagram. They have a good sense of humor but they can be really sensitive, too! My only warning is don’t date a guy who refers to themselves as a “cool dude” or “gamer for lyfe”. They stoopid.

Prince Charming

Prince Charming

A prince charming is the guy for you! You need a man who will ride off into the sunset with you on his gallant white steed. Because let’s be honest: you never stopped believing in fairy tales! Your guy has to be romantic to the bone and show you every day. Your sweetie will treat you right no matter what. My caution for you is that sometimes sweet guys can be suffocating. Don’t be afraid to date a guy with a little bit of a wild side.

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