Which Paper Towns character are you?


Maddison Wozynski
Created by Maddison Wozynski (User Generated Content*)User Generated Content is not posted by anyone affiliated with, or on behalf of, Playbuzz.com.
On Mar 29, 2017

Would you go find someone you think that you love?

Do you have an edgy side?

Are you the innocent one in problems?

What is your ideal style?

Would you take a chance on someone taking a bigger chance on you?

What would you do if you found out that someone has secretly loved you for a long time?

Would you drive across country immediately for a friend or lover?

Have you ever went to a party for a favor to find something?

Last question. Is Paper Towns the movie of the year?

You are Quentin!

You are Quentin!

You're Quentin! You have a big heart for things and you never let go of something that you want. Friends are number one and goodbyes are tough. Even though Quentin is shy up front he is a great and wild friend behind the scenes!

You are Margo!

You are Margo!

You're Margo! You have an edge and a big craving for adventure. When opportunity knocks you are the first to answer. You look at the facts and how things really are. You may have trouble finding yourself but that is what makes you...you!

You are Lacey!

You are Lacey!

You're Lacey! You are the innocent one in most problems. You want people to look at you and see potential. You are very smart and care a lot about your friends and will go to drastic measures to help them if they are in need. You are open to suggestion and a flat out good person!

You are Ben!

You are Ben!

You're Ben! You are always looking to have a good time. You could turn a bad situation into a party with your great sense of humor and willing to take risks attitude! You are awkward but in the best way and showing someone you care about them is both a struggle and very simple!

You are Radar!

You are Radar!

You're Radar! You are a very careful and cautious individual. You are very loving and always wait for the right time for just about anything. You are quiet and the in the corner person. You are a good friend and will stick up to a loved one whenever the time comes!

You are Angela!

You are Angela!

You're Angela! You are a good person inside and out. You will forgive and forget and keep moving on. You are kind and will be there to give a laugh or laugh at the strangest things. When an adventure comes around you will be in the car right along side a friend!

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