Can We Guess If You’re British By How You Answer These Twelve Etiquette Questions?
Can We Guess If You’re British By How You Answer These Twelve Etiquette Questions?
Which hand you hold your fork in says a lot about you.
Which hand you hold your fork in says a lot about you.

When dining in a busy restaurant, how do you respond when one of the waitstaff drops a tray of dishes?
Do you consider yourself skilled at queuing (or standing in line)?
Which hand do you hold your fork in?
How would you respond to the greeting "How do you do?"
It's four o'clock, and you need a pick me up. What do you do?
What topics do you avoid most during casual conversation?
When you run into an acquaintance on the street, how do you greet them?
True or False: It's possible to be too polite.
What is the proper way to brag about your accomplishments?
When is it acceptable to dip a biscuit in your tea?
Is it ever okay to talk about how much money you have?
What would you wear to attend a friend's funeral?
You are extremely American.
You are extremely American.
We can tell by your manners that you are true blue USA all the way. You don't bow to the Queen unless someone cranks Bohemian Rhapsody. You certainly don't put your pinky up while drinking tea because that's coffee in your cup, bub, and it's not decaf! And you sure as shoot don't salute a flag unless it has 50 stars, thank you very much.
You're an American
You're an American
We can tell by your manners that you're an American. Hold on, don't take offense. We're not saying your manners are bad, just not British. You have very good manners, in fact. You just happen to be from a place where manners aren't as important as how many hits your toilet-seat-prank video gets on Youtube. Carry on as best you can, though.
You're British
You're British
We can guess by your manners that you are British. Now, hold on, before you go bragging back home, we're not saying that your manners are particularly good, just that they're British. That's fine and dandy with you. You pride yourself in not being a stuffed shirt. You dip your biscuit in your tea and eat your chips off the newspaper with pride, mate.
You're extremely British
You're extremely British
You are so British, other British people refer to you as their British friend. You take great pains to never be an embarrassment to Queen and country. Your upper lip is so stiff you could leave it outside during an entire monsoon season, and it wouldn't so much as quiver. No one ever tells you to keep calm and carry on because it is simply understood that of course you will. Always.