Which SpongeBob Character Are You?
Which SpongeBob Character Are You?
Find out who you are from the best cartoon ever based on your personality!
Find out who you are from the best cartoon ever based on your personality!

Choose a pet :)
where would you like to live?
Which of the things below do you like/ enjoy most?
whats something you are/ think you are good at?
How would you describe yourself?
Choose a job :)
How do you view others/ social interaction?
Whats your favorite color?
Who would you date of the people/ items below?
Whats the most embarrassing thing you've ever done?
Who's someone you look up to?
which of these would be your motto?
SpongeBob Squarepants
SpongeBob Squarepants
You're bubbly, loving, and caring. You are usually pretty funny and loved by the people around you, but sometimes it's hard for you to take a hint and leave someone alone. You take for granted that most people like you and assume that means EVERYONE does! You have one best friend and many other close friends, and you love your job! :D You can be a little obnoxious at times, though, and often take jokes too far. But you have many talents, including singing, dancing, cooking/ grilling, and jellyfishing :)
Squidward Tentacles
Squidward Tentacles
You're a Debbie Downer, a stick in the mud, a fun sucker, a wet blanket ... i could go on with this, but i think you get the jist. You think you're all that but you're really not much fun to be around. It's probably not your fault, i mean, you don't even have a happiest memory. BUT you could be a little nicer. Especially to your neighbors. And maybe find a new hobby because the whole 'musician' thing isn't really working out ...
Patrick Star
Patrick Star
You're ... special :) You don't really pay attention, and usually aren't quite sure whats going on. You aren't very tidy or patient, and you have a quick, unpredictable temper. You don't think things through very often and can be very emotional. You have a very close friend that you do EVERYTHING with! Your hobbies include jellyfishing, doing nothing, and also doing nothing some more.
Sandy Cheeks
Sandy Cheeks
You're a smarty! Everyone knows you as the smart scientific girl next door. You're good at inventing things and good at making friends in new places. You often feel as though you don't belong, though, and are maybe homesick for an old house/ place you used to live. You're loving, practical, and inventive!
Larry the Lobster
Larry the Lobster
You've got the guns! Your buns of steel and flexible muscles attract a lotta the ladies ;) You're strong and daring and love to show off. You're a lady killer and proud of it! Keep up the confidence kid!
Sheldon Plankton
Sheldon Plankton
You are one diabolical little shrimp! all your life you have been striving towards one unreachable goal. You've failed so much in your life that it has made you bitter and heartless. You use your smarts for bad instead if good :(
Mrs. Puff
Mrs. Puff
you're ... quite interesting. You have had many run ins with the law and hold back plenty of secrets. Nobody really knows your story. You enjoy teaching others, but always seem to have that one student who has a hard time passing ....
Mr. Krabs
Mr. Krabs
YOU'RE A CHEAPWAD! my god i promise that spending an extra buck won't kill ya kid! GET A HOLD OF YOURSELF