Do You Remember Bambi?
Do You Remember Bambi?
How well do you remember Bambi, one of our favorite childhood classics?
How well do you remember Bambi, one of our favorite childhood classics?

What is Bambi's rabbit friend called?
What does the skunk tell Bambi to call her ?
True or False: Bambi's father is the leader of the forest.
What catastrophe occurs about halfway through the film?
How does Bambi's mother get killed ?
How many awns does Bambi have at the end of the film ?
When it is raining what lyrics are in the backing track ?
True or False: At the end of the movie Bambi's rabbit friend cannot make it to the birth of Bambi's children.
At the beginning of the film what word does the rabbit teach Bambi to say ?
When the storm comes and thunder and lightning starts who is Bambi with ?
In the morning when he goes outside to investigate the snow, Bambi...
True or False: At the end of the movie Bambi is the leader of the forest.