Could You Survive The Hunger Games?

This is all about statistics and professional survival techniques. It does not matter what your body type is/how athletic you are.

Max Conyac
Created by Max Conyac(User Generated Content*)User Generated Content is not posted by anyone affiliated with, or on behalf of,
On Dec 6, 2015

Would you volunteer as tribute?

Ok, say you were called up or you did volunteer as tribute. What do you do for a week?

What weapon do you specialize in?

There are only three days until the games. What do you do?

"Let the games begin!" What do you do?

SURVIVAL: You find berries, do you eat them?

SURVIVAL: Do you hunt tributes or hide?

So... do you go solo or go in a group?

Do you try to make yourself stand out, make a story for yourself, or stay low and try to come out unexpected.

Just out of the blue, would you rather volunteer as tribute or be called on (knowing nobody else will volunteer)

Are you smart and resourceful?

Do you play offensively at the cornucopia or try to be defensive as long as possible?



You probably would survive! The odds were ever in your favor.



You would probably not survive. The odds were never in your favor.

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