Fairy Tail Quiz :D
Fairy Tail Quiz :D
How well do you know FT? :3
How well do you know FT? :3

Which "guild" did Wendy & Carla come from before Fairy Tail?
Which FT member (either than Mavis) has the power to use Fairy Glitter?
Both Zeref and WHO have the Ankhseram's curse?
What magic did Gray inherit from Silver?
Who was the necromancer controlling Silver's corpse?
Who was disguised as Zalty in the Galuna Island Arc?
What magic DID princess/queen Hisui have?
In Fairy Tail Dragon Cry, what was the name of the dragon who's tear was shed?
In the Tower of Heaven arc, who shot Natsu in the mouth?
What colour are Gildarts eyes (on the cover of the manga volume 61) ? :P
Which Celestial Spirit controls gravity?
Who is Laxus' great-grandfather?
What colour is Laki's hair?
Who thought they "infiltrated" Fairy Tail?
Who is Obra a companion to?
What is Midnight's real name?
What magic do Sherria, Olga and Zancrow use?
Which Fairy Tail member's former name was Mulan Rouge? (No, it's not Erza)
Who did Loke contribute in killing?
What is Sirius Island (manga) known as in the anime?
Who was Zera?
How many known dragon slayers are there, living and dead? (including the ones with lacrimas)
What is Plue's Celestial Gate called?
What is Macao's magic?
What is Pantherlily afraid of?
Which of the following is in Lamia Scale?
What is the name of Zekua's book (before the letters transferred)?
What side effect does Natsu get when using his Thunder-Fire Dragon Mode?
What was Capricorn's name when he was part of Grimoire Heart?
In the manga, what is the Thunder Legion (anime) called?
What is the name of the talking stick from the Oracion Seis?
Who turned Jellal from good to evil?
Who killed Zancrow?
What is Pyxis the gate of?
What is the time difference between Earthland and the Celestial Spirit world each day?
How long did Mavis study magic for?
What is inside the Lumen Histoire?
What was Lucy's job after the guild disbanded?
What year did Lucy's father die?
When did Lucy's mother die?
Where is Wendy's FT emblem?
What colour is Erza's FT emblem?
What is Erza's mother's name?
As of January 2018, how many anime episodes are there?
How many books are in the manga series?
What armour was Erza wearing when she was bitten by Cubellios?
What do humans need to enter the Celestial world?
What episode in the anime = book 24 of the manga?
What was Daphne always eating?
What is Ren's last name?
Who is the artist in Fairy Tail?
Which Celestial Spirit does Lucy not have?
How much CDN$ is each manga?
What is the name of Blue Pegasus' ship?
What is Jet's real name?
What magic does August have?
What is the One Magic (manga) called in the anime?
Which FT member was taken over by a Vulcan?
Which of these is a member of the Hungry Wolf Knights?
How many characters are on the cover of the manga volume 34? >:) hehe
What does "Ro Hwasetya" mean?
What is the name of Wendy's new manga series?
What animal is on the armor of Erza's Nakagami Armor?
What does Yajima wear on his head?
Who was the only attendant to the last Moon Drip ceremony before Deliora was released?
Which FT member brought Bisca to Fairy Tail?
What guild is Ultear in?
Which dark guild did Minerva join right after she left Sabertooth?
Where is Master Makarov's FT emblem?
What is Kagura's last name?
Which Raven Tail member can use Mimic Magic?
What were Precht, Warrod and Yuri's occupations before the met Mavis and started Fairy Tail?
Which of the 9 Demon Gates blackmailed Elfman into destroying the guild instead of Lisanna?
What is the name of the last arc of the manga?
Which of these was one of Mavis' magics in Fairy Tail Zerø?
What colour are the Gemini Twins?
Mira and WHICH other FT member run the "Emergency Request: Explain the mysteries of FT", section in the manga?
How old is Alzack?
Which guild came in 3rd in the Grand Magic Games that Fairy Tail won?
What colour is Happy's FT emblem?
Which former Phantom Lord member was a wizard saint?
Who can trap people inside cards? (and yes, Cana can too, I just didn't include her :3)
Who is a member of the Spriggan 12?
Which Celestial Spirit did Natsu and Happy meet first? (hehe.. tricky)
What is the name of the wizard who uses the magic "Historia of the Dead"?
Which wizard can use all types of dragon slayer magic?
Which arc are these characters from?
Who killed Fingers?
Who destroyed Mavis' ghost body?
Who was Jiemma's "bodyguard" when he was the master of Sabertooth?
In which anime arc did Wendy first use Dragon Force?
Who did Wendy save when using Dragon Force?
What is the price you pay when using 3rd Origin?
In the first anime episode that Igneel appeared in, who was he talking to?
Who infiltrated Raven Tail?
Who saved everyone in Fairy Tail from Seilah's Macro?
What colour is Wakaba's FT emblem?