Which of the little mermaid sisters are you?
Which of the little mermaid sisters are you?
You can be Attina, Alana, Adella, Arista, Aquata, Andrina, and Ariel.
You can be Attina, Alana, Adella, Arista, Aquata, Andrina, and Ariel.
What is your favorite color?
What is your current hair color?
What is your favorite instrument?
Which food sounds good right now?
Witch one would you say sounds like you?
You are Attina. You are the oldest and very responsible. You would do anything to protect your sisters and your dad. Your favorite food is kelp wrap and your favorite instrument is the harp.
Alana is the second oldest. Here sisters say she is glamorous , her favorite food is coral blossom stew. Her favorite instrument is the tambourine. Never stop being glamorous.
You are Aquata. Aquata is the forth oldest and her sisters say that she is tough and she will always be up for a fight. Here favorite instrument is the drums. You will always be rocking out.
You are Arista. Arista is the fifth oldest. Here sisters say that she is fun loving. Here favorite food is sea sponge swirl, and your favorite instrument is the horn. You will always see her playing in the band.
You are Adella. Adella is the 3rd oldest. Here sisters say that she is boy crazy, and just wish for true love. Here favorite food is cucumber sandwiches and her favorite instrument is the violin. You will always be looking for boys.
You are Andrina. Andrina is the sixth oldest. Here sisters say that she is witty. Here favorite instrument is the guitar, and here favorite food is will EVERYTHING. Like come on how can you just pick one.
You are Ariel. You are the youngest. Here sisters say that she is unpredictable and here favorite instrument is the piano. Here favorite food is strawberries. You will always be finding new things.