The most epic Merrell Twins quiz!!
The most epic Merrell Twins quiz!!
A 5 minute intense quiz on the Merrell Twins, testing to see how well you know them, and if you are a TRUE twinner!!!! Make sure to share with your friends when you're done!
A 5 minute intense quiz on the Merrell Twins, testing to see how well you know them, and if you are a TRUE twinner!!!! Make sure to share with your friends when you're done!

Who is who?
Who is the older twin?
What are their nicknames? ;)
How many other siblings do they have, and are they older or younger?
How many pets do they have?
What was their first video that hit 1 million views?
How old are they?
All quotes are from the twins, EXCEPT:
Being twins, who did they date? (and secretly date)
Who is known to win most of the challenges?
What are their parents names?
When did they start Youtube?
Who is this?
Who is Nessa's celebrity crush since day 1?
Who had more boyfriends?
Who has the more complicated Starbucks drink?
Where are they originally from?
Which Youtuber friend gave Roni the nickname "Rebound Roni"?
Bonus point to catch up, who do you ship the twins with!!!
Who is the person they look up to, besides their parents or other people they know?
What is their religion?
All of the following are Nessa's favorites, except:
Roni's known favorites are all below, not including what?
Who's the cuter twin????
What is their dogs name?
Who are Isaac and Nathan?
Who is known to be Roni & Nessa's best friend?
Rose Rosenblitz created the...
Who is the funnier twin?
who is it??
Who is MORE prone to gag?
What is the fandom name? (what they call us)
What 2 awards did they win?
The twins were in all the following except for what?
What best represents our fandom as a mascot?
What is Veronica's favorite animal?
If you ever see them in public, what would be the appropriate way to let them know you're a fan?
Who is their favorite Youtuber?
And it all comes back to