What Form Will YOUR Boggart Take?
What Form Will YOUR Boggart Take?
Everyone wants to know their patronus or their Hogwarts House, but are you brave enough to find out what shape your boggart would take? Answer these nine questions, and we’ll tell you what you fear the most!
Everyone wants to know their patronus or their Hogwarts House, but are you brave enough to find out what shape your boggart would take? Answer these nine questions, and we’ll tell you what you fear the most!
Which Defense Against the Dark Arts professor is your favorite?
Which defense spell makes you feel the safest?
Which recurring nightmare do you have?
Which movie scared you the most as a kid?
Which horror movie would you scare you the most now?
Which of these magical creatures would you never want to meet?
Which Harry Potter villain frightens you the most?
Which of these phobias haunts you?
Your Own Corpse
Your Own Corpse
You share the same boggart as Voldemort: the sight of your own corpse. You’re afraid of your own death, in any form. It’s not necessarily that you’re scared of dying; you’re simply frightened with the abstract idea of not being present in your own body, of not knowing what happens after this life.
Ridikulus! Would you be able to conquer this boggart, or would you be p-p-p-p-petrified with fear? Tell us what your biggest phobia is IRL in the comments bellow, and don’t forget to share this quiz with your fellow Potterheads!
A Dementor
A Dementor
Like Harry Potter, you fear fear itself. It doesn't matter how the feelings of anxiety, uncertainty, and terror are triggered, you just despise the clammy sensation of being afraid and helpless. Your boggart would take the form of this wordless dread, manifesting in a dementor.
Ridikulus! Would you be able to conquer this boggart, or would you be p-p-p-p-petrified with fear? Tell us what your biggest phobia is IRL in the comments bellow, and don’t forget to share this quiz with your fellow Potterheads!
Embodiments of Your Own Failure
Embodiments of Your Own Failure
Like Hermione Granger, you're terrified of the possibility of your own past failures and potential failures. You're a driven individual, and you sometimes worry too much about how others perceive you. While you might not have a boggart who transforms into McGonagall, your boggart does shift into a person or memory that reminds you of a time you failed or who will taunt you about future mistakes.
Ridikulus! Would you be able to conquer this boggart, or would you be p-p-p-p-petrified with fear? Tell us what your biggest phobia is IRL in the comments bellow, and don’t forget to share this quiz with your fellow Potterheads!
The Deaths of Your Loved Ones
The Deaths of Your Loved Ones
Like Molly Weasley, you're terrified of the people you love dying. It's a selfless and horrifying fear, and your boggart will transform into a succession of the people you care for the most lying dead in grisly succession.
Ridikulus! Would you be able to conquer this boggart, or would you be p-p-p-p-petrified with fear? Tell us what your biggest phobia is IRL in the comments bellow, and don’t forget to share this quiz with your fellow Potterheads!
Giant Snakes
Giant Snakes
Like Padma, you're afraid of giant snakes, and like Ron, this aversion to creepy crawlies could include a fear of giant spiders as well! Your boggart will shift between different slithering, creeping, and scuttering creatures that will send shivers up your spine.
Ridikulus! Would you be able to conquer this boggart, or would you be p-p-p-p-petrified with fear? Tell us what your biggest phobia is IRL in the comments bellow, and don’t forget to share this quiz with your fellow Potterheads!