Do You REALLY Know Jules Verne?

He was one of the most influential authors of the past. Do you know everything about him?

Created by missy.pinnacle (User Generated Content*)User Generated Content is not posted by anyone affiliated with, or on behalf of,
On Oct 30, 2016
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When was Jules Verne was born?

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What was his father's occupation?

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He is considered to be the father of what?

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What were Jules Verne's four siblings' names?

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Which one of his books listed below was based on a true story?

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In 1886, his mentally ill nephew Gaston shot and injured him where?

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Which two authors did Jules Verne receive writing tips and advice from?

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The USS Nautilus submarine referenced to which one of his books?

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How many books did he write?

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What was his first long fiction novel?

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Who did he marry in January 1857?

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Where did he die on March 24, 1905?

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He collaborated on which play?

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What was his middle name?

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Where was his first successful play performed?

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The movie Finding Nemo made a reference to which one of his books?

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He had tried to become a writer for what?

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In order to make his father happy, what did he work as?

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He wanted to travel the world in 80 days, but the days were doubled to how many?

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What was the name of the ship that he and his wife owned?

Questions left
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