How Well Do You Remember 'Home Alone'? Take Our Quiz!
How Well Do You Remember 'Home Alone'? Take Our Quiz!
"You know, Kevin, you're what the French call 'les incompetents'."
"You know, Kevin, you're what the French call 'les incompetents'."
What was the name of the film Kevin watches that uses the line ‘Keep the change, ya filthy animals’?
What is Kevin’s cousin Fuller’s beverage of choice?
Where were the family heading to on holiday?
How many stockings were hung on the McCallister’s fireplace?
What did the burglars who targeted Kevin’s house call themselves?
What are the burglars actual names?
What falls down the laundry shoot and hits Marv in the face?
Which actor plays the man who helps Kevin’s mother get home?
Which pet of Buzz's gets loose inside the house?
Which actor turned down the role of burglar Harry?
Where did the McCallister family live?
Where does Buzz keep his life savings, which Kevin takes for groceries?
What is the company name on the van the burglars drive?
What did Kevin put underneath the window Marv climbs through?
What name does Kevin give the police when he calls them to report the final burglary?