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What Is Your Heart Made Of?

What's the balance in your heart? Is your heart made of passion or power? Maybe wisdom? Let's find out!

Morgan Alexander
Created by Morgan Alexander
On Jun 29, 2016

How does this image make you feel?

What about this one?

And this one?

50% Passion, 50% Logic

50% Passion, 50% Logic

Your heart is a brilliant combination of passion and logic. You're an even mix of romantic, colorful and sensitive emotions and clear logic that guides you during challenging times. Some people may lead with their heart or their head, but you always lead with a balanced mix of both!

50% Compassion, 50% Love

50% Compassion, 50% Love

Your heart is a loving mix of compassion and love. You are kindhearted, understanding, accepting and very empathetic. Even if you sometimes put up a tough exterior to protect yourself, deep down you are full of love and acceptance. You have a naturally nurturing energy that others are instinctively drawn to! Cultivate your compassionate and loving nature and you will touch many lives!

60% Strength, 40% Power

60% Strength, 40% Power

Your heart is a remarkable combination of strength and power. You have overcome great struggles in your life and come through them stronger than ever. There is very little that you can't handle as you are incredibly resilient. You are a survivor with a heart of steel! You have the potential to be a great leader and deeply influence others.

100% Wisdom And Wonder

100% Wisdom And Wonder

Your heart is made up of a rare combination of wisdom and wonder. You're an old soul with a great wealth of intuitive and emotional knowledge. The great wisdom in your heart leads to your profound wonder of life and the world. You are always struck and inspired by the incredibly beauty of the world around you! You're a highly evolved spirit with a heart full of profound wisdom!

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Created by Tal Garner
On Nov 18, 2021
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