Can You Guess The 'Friends' Season Based On Rachel's Hair?
Can You Guess The 'Friends' Season Based On Rachel's Hair?
The Rachel was one of the most popular hairstyles of the '90s thanks to Jennifer Aniston's glorious locks, but can you remember which 'do went with which season of the show?
The Rachel was one of the most popular hairstyles of the '90s thanks to Jennifer Aniston's glorious locks, but can you remember which 'do went with which season of the show?

Created by MTV
On Jan 12, 2017
1 / 10
What season is this voluminous, layered Rachel style from?
2 / 10
When did this extra long length come into play?
3 / 10
Which season does this Rachel swoop-up 'do belong to?
4 / 10
What season brought out Rach's subtle shoulder scrunch?
5 / 10
When did RayRay embrace this sleek sidepart?
6 / 10
Rachel tried the chop mop in...
7 / 10
This mid-part low pony is from ...
8 / 10
When did Rachel take her highlighting hiatus?
9 / 10
This era of Rachel With Bangs took place in ...
10 / 10
Which season saw Rachel working the updo with reddish tints?
Questions left
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