Which "Finding Carter" Character Are You?
Which "Finding Carter" Character Are You?
Ever wonder which character you'd be in the "Finding Carter" world? Well, look no further. We've built the definitive quiz.
Ever wonder which character you'd be in the "Finding Carter" world? Well, look no further. We've built the definitive quiz.

It's Friday night, and your best friend just cancelled your plans. You...
Do you think a formal education is necessary for being successful?
You walk into a party and you don't know anyone there, you decide to...
What does your dream date look like?
Which of these scenarios is similar to your worst recurring nightmare?
The most important thing in a relationship is...
What topic do you feel the most passionate about?
You're trapped in the house for two days. What do you do to pass the time?
You can't control yourself when it comes to...
When you grow up, what do you want to be?
You're basically the stubborn, realistic, practical and pretty rebellious Carter. You'll learn about life by going on adventures, trying new things and making your way through tough life choices – not necessarily by book learning.
You're essentially the supportive, thoughtful and vulnerable Taylor. You're always looking out for other people's best interests, but you'll need some help pushing yourself past your own boundaries every now and then.
At heart, you're Max! Which means you're extremely loyal, full of common sense, forgiving and a total homebody. Nights in with you always include laughs, video games and lots of snuggles.
Hey, you're basically Bird! Your result means you're artistic, multi-faceted, outgoing and intelligent. You're basically the perfect party guest and have no trouble making new friends. People tend to be intrigued by your artistic air of mystery.
You're essentially the reformed bad boy Crash. You've been through plenty of tough times, but your heart of gold and goal-oriented personality mean that you're always trying to be a better version of yourself. Your hard life experiences have given you a lot of baggage, but with that comes wisdom.
Oh, you're very similar to Ben – the resourceful but emotionally needy boy-next-door type. You're just trying to find yourself and your place in the world, but your loyal personality means you always have your friends' backs – and a plan for how to help them out of a jam.
You're pretty similar to Jared! That makes you open-minded which, when paired with your independent streak, means you're willing to let your friends go out on a limb or take a chance that might just pay off. You're also a take-charge person! You'll probably end up managing people or owning your own business.
You're a Gabe type! You're popular in your circle of friends, and you prefer to spend your time DOING things rather than TALKING about things. You sometimes have trouble showing your feelings and asking for help from others, but don't hesitate to express yourself: You know exactly what you want and need in relationships.