Which DBZ Character Are You?
Which DBZ Character Are You?
In the world of the classic fighting anime of DBZ, which character would you turn out to be?
In the world of the classic fighting anime of DBZ, which character would you turn out to be?

What is your attitude after you win?
What about after losing?
What is your favorite thing to do?
What is your best quality?
How about your worst?
What is your greatest strength?
What is your greatest weakness?
What do you fear the most?
What job cliche did you want as a kid?
What is your inner fire that drives you to succeed?
You have to destroy a massive threat. What do you do?
How long do you think you can last without food and without complaining?
What nightmares haunt you the most? You had to experience it in your dreams.
If you could, what survival tactic would you like?
You're Goku, Son of Bardock, Father of Gohan, Husband to Chi-Chi, and the Tenaciously Ultimate Fighter and Defender of Earth! The inner fire you have is that you want to become stronger so you can defend your loved ones, who also drive you to succeed! You love eating food as well. Although you're generally nice to others, you seem to forget customs and manners of society, from the eating table to general greeting. You have something that nobody else has better than you: Self-Control. This makes you able to focus and makes you even stronger. When somebody is just a good as you or even better, you don't mind having a little fun and competition! In the end, you'll sacrifice anything to defend the innocent and your loved ones.... even yourself.
You are Piccolo, the Embodiment of Kami's negative energy who turned to good! You commonly isolate yourself and usually have no sense of (intended) humor, no sense of passion, and you don't show much emotion. You do, however, show that you care. Possibly your best feature is your great intelligence.
You are Gohan, Son of Goku and Chi-Chi, Pupil of Piccolo, and Master of Trunks! You don't like fighting as much as others would and you show a balance of intellect and strength. What drives you to succeed are your loved ones!
You are Vegeta, the Prince of all Saiyans! You live, eat, sleep, and breathe fighting! You never show passion whatsoever and you prefer to do things alone. You also hate being upstaged, but you still have no problem wanting to do better!
You are Kami, once the host of Piccolo and former Guardian of Earth! You are old, but still a kind person who never shows hatred, at least, on the outside.
You are Dende, the Successor of Kami, Guardian of Earth, and Gohan's best friend! You like healing and you're very smart. The only thing that matches those two qualities would be your loyalty and your pure heart .
You're Cell, the "Ultimate" Form of "Perfection". You are extremely arrogant and not very original, both of which resulted in your demise. You like playing around in serious situations and you give people too many chances.
You're Trunks, Son of Vegeta and Bulma as well as the Future Savior of Earth from the Androids! You are very loyal and caring to loved ones, including your father, no matter how many times he rejects you or hits you! You fear for the worst and you try too hard, so try to relax a little.