Are You Clairvoyant? Only People with Excellent Perception Will See it!
Can you perceive what's hidden behind the window blinds? Are you clairvoyant? Let's find out!
Do you have a clairvoyant clue?
It's Me, Simone Biles! Now you get a Gold Medal in Perception!
Who might this be?
If you guessed Chris Hemsworth, you are truly a clairvoyant! This could have been any dude with facial hair!
This looks pointy
Iron Throne! Were you also clairvoyant enough to skip the Red Wedding? Nice!
I can't wait to show you my toys...
Oh I'm not gonna kill ya, I'm just going to hurt ya. Really, really bad. Right, Harley Quinn?
Some cairvoyants, I assume, are good people
So you are clairvoyant! That's so yuge! Now tell me if I'll be your next President.... Mr. Trump thinks so!