What Evil Warrior Cat Are You Like When You Are Mad?

When Tigerclaw gets mad, he gets MAD. Do you? Which EVIL warrior cat are you like when you're mad? (She-cats and toms)

Arctickat Aj
Created by Arctickat Aj (User Generated Content*)User Generated Content is not posted by anyone affiliated with, or on behalf of, Playbuzz.com.
On Aug 31, 2016

Choose your favorite prey!

Roleplay time!

Another clan's kit is drowning! What do you do?

A fox and a badger are attacking you! What do you do?

You now have a chance to kill your worst enemy! How do you do it?

Who do you want to be? (It gets you closer to being them)

Rp: You're leader is on their last life, and you're friend is planning to kill the leader in a fox trap! What do you do?

Here, just let fate decide...

You are hunting and see two paths: On the right you hear a three rouge cats and on the left you see two foxes, but a dog is creeping up behind you! Where do you go?

Ready for results? You did great! =3



THE DEFINITION OF BAD KITTY!!! You killed a long list of cats. Even when you died there was still trouble. When you want something, you want it. Like, you almost killed BLUESTAR, just to become leader! A countless amount of cats died because of you! The leader of the dark forest cats, and was leader of Shadowclan! Go on with your evil self, you.



An evil cat. Bad kitty. You were a mentor to Longtail AND you had no respect for Fireheart. At. All. As an apprentice, you looked up to TIGERCLAW, I mean, TIGERCLAW! Though you are loyal to Thunderclan, you still talked to Tigerclaw, and agreed to bring him your KITS!!!!



MURDERER!!!! You killed Spottedleaf in cold blood. Now I call that evil! Too bad you died so soon, but that's how it is. Karma. ALTHOUGH you do have a soft spot... One battle scarred, kit-stealing, murderer coming up!



Wow. Your terrifying kithood made such a fine evil cat. Leader, and a rouge, you showed your ferocity through your collar. Yeah, your collar. You lied about killing a dog, when you got a dog tooth stuck in your collar while trying to cut your collar off. So much evil I can't say it all. oh, you also were super mad when Tigerstar lied. Yeah.



Wow. A REAL evil one here. The first one you can tell that's evil. YOU killed your dad so you could be leader! You ruled for a long time until you were exiled, but the attack on Thunderclan you did was fantastic... other than pretty much blinding yourself...



(PS: spoilers) Oh Starclan! Sorry you got rejected twice, but like you said, "I made them pay. I looked for revenge whenever I could! Why do you think I'm here?" AND you really did, didn't you? Nicely done. You were really close to being deputy. Quite a gruesome story you had...

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