How Well Do You Know Classic Literature?
How Well Do You Know Classic Literature?
Think You Know The Literary Classics? Test your mettle here!
Think You Know The Literary Classics? Test your mettle here!

Which classic novel featured a reanimated man that became a staple of the film industry?
Who is the main character in the classic novel, The Catcher In The Rye?
Which classic novel features a man shipwrecked alone on an island?
In which classic novel does a man experiment with time travel in order to bring back his lost love?
Which of these novels was written by Charles Dickens?
In the classic novel, The Hobbit, who is the wizard who accompanies Thorin and Co. on their journey?
Which novel takes place in Long Island amongst the upper echelon of society?
What banned novel takes place in a mental institution and highlights its flaws?
Which classic novel features an obsessive Captain of a ship chasing a white whale?
What is the book Uncle Tom's Cabin about?
What is the plot of Lord Of The Flies?
In Pride and Prejudice, who are the main characters who fall in love after a long courtship?
Which classic novel features the downfall of Okonkwo and the colonization of the Niger?
Which classic novel was not written by J.R.R. Tolkien?
Which classic novel was written by the noted Enlightenment philosopher Voltaire?
Which novel explores a dystopian future where books are burned as contraband?
In Shakespeare's Romeo and Juliet, who are the two families which are at war with each other?