Ancient Egypt-Its Soldiers, Medicine, and Weapons
Ancient Egypt-Its Soldiers, Medicine, and Weapons
The perfect trivia to test experts on ancient Egyptian soldiers, medicine, and weapons.
The perfect trivia to test experts on ancient Egyptian soldiers, medicine, and weapons.
What were shields in the Middle Kingdom army made of?
In what class were ancient Egyptian soldiers from?
In what fashion were the ancient Egyptian soldiers not dressed in?
How professional were ancient Egyptian soldiers?
The swords of ancient Egypt were extremely strong.
The ancient Egyptian soldiers had little or no protective gear, and were often barefoot.
What metal did the ancient Egyptian soldiers not use in their weaponry?
Which people mostly became doctors?
Ancient Egyptians could preform surgery.
Ancient Egyptian treatments did not include...
Ancient Egyptian soldiers were not organized into...
Ancient Egyptian weapons were not made from...
Close fighting gear did not include...
Ancient Egyptian ornamented swords were not made from...
In the New Kingdom, soldiers wore...
The first Egyptian bow was the...
The Ebers Papyrus was...
The ancient Egyptians believed that ______ did not cause diseases.
The ancient Egyptians had good knowledge of...
The ancient Egyptians made bandages from...