What Type Of Best Friend are You?
What Type Of Best Friend are You?
There are plenty of types of best friends, which one are you?
There are plenty of types of best friends, which one are you?

Which of these is something you would do with your friend?
Pick a quote that means friendship to you.
What would you write in this name tag?
What's Your Hobby?
How would your friends describe you?
Which place would you travel to with your friend?
What's your favorite book genre?
Which of these adorable baby animals reminds you of you and your best friend?
What trait do you look for in a friend?
The Mom Friend
The Mom Friend
You're the mom best friend! Your friends are your babies and you'd do anything for them. People flock to you for protection, advice, and lots of hugs. And, becuase you've got your stuff together, your friends always trust you to make plans and be there for them.
The Adventrous Friend
The Adventrous Friend
You're the adventurous best friend! You love life and live it to the fullest, and you're probably an extrovert. Without you, your friends would never get into the crazy stuff and go on the fun adventures that they do with you. Your BFF knows that you're the one to invite on a night out.
The Funny Friend
The Funny Friend
You're the funny best friend! You are a mllion laughs and can make anything funny. You are the person who acts totally insane with your best friend, and you love each other for it. You have the power to make anything fun and bring out the total weirdo in your friend.
The Sister (or Brother) Friend
The Sister (or Brother) Friend
You're the sister (or brother) best friend! You're a caring person and are tight with your friend. You two probably spend more time together than you do apart and share pretty much everything. You love your best friend and would do anything for them, when you're not chilling in your sweats together.
The Talent Friend
The Talent Friend
You're the talent best friend! You are a talented person and people appreciate that about you. You and your best friend share a lot of the same intrests and you two are total fangirls together. You bring out the creative, passoniate side in each other.
The Free Spirit Friend
The Free Spirit Friend
You are the free spirit friend! You are totally unique person and no one can hold you back. You bring out that unique streak in them, and you show them to not be ashamed of who they are. You probably have your own wild ideas, and those will lead you and your friends on some great adventures.