Which Psych CHaracter Fits Your Personality?
Which Psych CHaracter Fits Your Personality?
Psych is a great show. It contains lots of great characters, too! Which character are you like?
Psych is a great show. It contains lots of great characters, too! Which character are you like?

About how many things scare you?
Favorite kind of food?
Favorite Weather?
How easy is it for you to get angry?
What's your most dominant emotion?
How many friends do you have?
Are you sarcastic often?
How do you feel about love?
You are like Gus. You are caring and loyal. You don't like danger, but you would go through it for your friends. You are smart, and can think of logical things to do when the going gets tough.
You are like Shawn! You are outgoing and lovable. You love romance, and don't hesitate to do anything to get some. You are super observant, and somewhat sneaky. You are determined and very brave. You also get sarcastic often, and those kids of comments you make are HILARIOUS!
You are like Karen! You are serious, determined, and brave. You have your eye on the prize, and nothing can get in your way. You don't give up on anything.
You are like Lassiter! You are super serious, but very determined. You don't have time for jokes, but you have time to get the job done. You work hard, and don't let anything get in your way.
You are like Juliet! You are beautiful without even trying. You are a determined woman. You can be serious when focused, but not serious enough to hold back smiles. You try to make everybody happy. You have lots of friends that are faithful to you.