Which Audacious Einstein Quote Are You?
Which Audacious Einstein Quote Are You?
Some geniuses are not quite smart enough to be understood, but not Albert Einstein, the most quotable theoretical physicist ever to drop groundbreaking mathematical formulas. Find out which quote by this wise and witty genius fits you best.
You may be relatively surprised by the results.
Some geniuses are not quite smart enough to be understood, but not Albert Einstein, the most quotable theoretical physicist ever to drop groundbreaking mathematical formulas. Find out which quote by this wise and witty genius fits you best.
You may be relatively surprised by the results.

How do you spend your Saturdays?
Your friend asks if her outfit looks weird. What's your reaction?
What's your greatest strength?
And your greatest weakness?
Someone at school/work is eating lunch alone. What's your reaction?
People are mostly...
How would you finish this quote? "The true sign of intelligence is not knowledge but..."
Love is...
Do you like to people-watch?
On a full moon, you...
You're Independent:
You're Independent:
You’re a passionate and strong-willed person who values independence and refuses to conform.
Like Einstein, you know that an important part of having brains is choosing what you do with them. No one can get away with telling you how to run your life, and that’s how you like it.
Find more Einstein fun here: http://bit.ly/1VQhIFx
You're Curious:
You're Curious:
You never stop questioning the world around you. Life is your classroom, and you won’t rest at just knowing what’s on the board. Like Einstein, you don’t always give yourself enough credit. Being passionately curious IS a special talent.
Find more Einstein fun here: http://bit.ly/1VQhIFx
You're Sassy:
You're Sassy:
Okay, so people think you're a little blunt, but you’re also the only one with the guts to say what everyone's thinking. You’re the friend people approach when they need the honest truth about everything from clothes to life decisions. You’re a sharp observer of people situations, and the world needs that.
Find more Einstein fun here: http://bit.ly/1VQhIFx
You're Creative:
You're Creative:
You’re a creative person who focuses a lot on what’s going on inside your head. While that might have annoyed your teachers when you were a kid, you probably knew the answers, even if you weren't really listening to the question.
You’re more likely to appreciate the beauty of living in the moment, rather than arranging it.
Find more Einstein fun here: http://bit.ly/1VQhIFx