What Color Are You?
What Color Are You?
Take this fun quiz to find out what color you are!
Take this fun quiz to find out what color you are!

How often do you get angry?
What do you like to do in your spare time?
How do you feel about the outdoors?
What's your favorite season?
Do you like making art?
How many friends do you have?
What do you do to let your anger out?
Do you like to be the center of attention?
You Are Red! You can get angry at times, but most of the time you like to hang out with your buds!
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You Are Orange! You like to be outside and play games. You don't have many friends, but that doesn't make you a loner.
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You Are Yellow! You love the outdoors and playing sports. You have many friends and love to read.
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You Are Green! You like to have your alone time, but that doesn't mean that you're not AWESOME!!
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You Are Blue! You have lots of friends and like to be the center of attention! You don't easily get angry.
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You Are Purple! You have a big imagination, and are very artistic.
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You Are The Whole Rainbow
You Are The Whole Rainbow
You Are The Whole Rainbow! You are a very interesting and amazing person. You can't be summed up by just ONE color!
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