Which emoji are you based on your personaility?
Which emoji are you based on your personaility?
Ever wonder what your true emoji is? Find out by taking this quiz!
Ever wonder what your true emoji is? Find out by taking this quiz!

To start a conversation, you say...
Pick a picture.
What is your problem?!
You're hobby is...
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Happy Emoji
Happy Emoji
You're always the positive and optimistic one. You're just, well, too happy.
Sad Emoji
Sad Emoji
You're the sad and negative one in the group. You're just, well, too negative. You also probably cry a lot.
Funny Emoji
Funny Emoji
You're the one who always makes those stupid jokes. Sometimes, you actually are funny. So stop making stupid jokes.
Nerd Emoji
Nerd Emoji
There's no doubt that you are the nerd in the group. Smart or dumb, you always act like a nerd.
Poop Emoji
Poop Emoji
There is no doubt that you are that one dirty person who always googles those weird, inappropiate pictures.
Mad Emoji
Mad Emoji
Dude, just don't get mad. Please.
Beer Emoji
Beer Emoji
You're that one guy who always acts drunk, and you're kind of weird. You also like to party. Keep up the good work.
Who Knows?
Who Knows?
You're kind of a mix of all of the emojis in the world. From one moment, you're happy, and the next, you're sad and crying, which is kind of weird.