Complete this quick personality test to find out what kind of personality you have and what kind of career or work environment might suit you best. There are 25 questions in this test. There are no right or wrong answers, so be honest and go with your gut feeling!
Just remember: Your results might reflect only one part of your personality. This test is merely designed to give you guidance.
Complete this quick personality test to find out what kind of personality you have and what kind of career or work environment might suit you best. There are 25 questions in this test. There are no right or wrong answers, so be honest and go with your gut feeling!
Just remember: Your results might reflect only one part of your personality. This test is merely designed to give you guidance.

For your birthday, would you rather get:
Would you rather learn how to:
How often do you clean your room?
When participating in a group project, do you:
You have to build a tree house in the backyard. Do you:
What kind of documentary would you rather watch on television?
You go on a group holiday to England. Do you:
Your boss gives you a job to do. What motivates you to complete it?
You go to the movies with your friends. Do you:
What kind of sport event would you prefer? One that:
If you had to work in a zoo, would you rather be responsible for:
You must teach someone how to bake a cake. Do you:
You have just won the lottery. What is the most important thing to do with the money?
You have to make an important life decision. Do you:
You like talking to people who:
You have just moved into a new house. What do you do first?
You get lost in a jungle. Do you:
Would you rather:
It is important for you to get a job that is:
When looking for a new car, it is important to you that the car:
Would you rather work with:
When you watch a movie, it is important to you that:
You are in an argument. Do you:
You are given an essay to write. Would you prefer:
When studying for a test, do you usually:
You are a ‘Doer’!
You are a ‘Doer’!
A ‘Doer’ does things! They are active, action orientated, and able to take charge in situations. They are often confident and independent, yet sometimes quite reserved.
If you are a ‘Doer’, you will flourish in work environments that:
- Require practical thinking
- Involve the use of your hands
- Give concrete results or outcomes
A ‘Doer’ is best suited for working with tools, objects, machines, nature, or animals. They generally prefer not to work directly with people.
If you are a ‘Doer’, then you might be best suited for one of these professions:
- Farmer or agriculturist
- Archaeologist
- Carpenter
- Construction worker
- Pilot
- Electrician
- Firefighter
- Environmental scientist
- Veterinarian
- Police Officer
- Architect
- Furniture designer
- IT technician
- Tour guide
- Health scientist
- Landscaper
- Tailor
- Butcher
- Machine operator
- Mechanic
- Hairdresser
You are a 'Thinker'!
You are a 'Thinker'!
A ‘Thinker’ likes to contemplate the world at a distance. They think before they act. They are also very curious and often come up with interesting new ways to solve problems.
If you are a ‘Thinker’, then you will flourish in work environments that:
- Give you opportunities to learn
- Require independent work
- Are stimulating
- Don’t require repetitive work
A ‘Thinker’ likes to do work that involves learning, problem solving, and doing research. They put more value on whether or not their work is personally satisfying than they do on what they earn.
If you are a ‘Thinker’, then you might be best suited for one of these professions:
- Economist
- Engineer
- University or college lecturer
- Computer programmer
- Web developer
- Lawyer
- Researcher
- Judge
- Journalist
- Market researcher
You are a ‘Creator’!
You are a ‘Creator’!
A ‘Creator’ is spontaneous, loves the unexpected, and hates repetitiveness. They can often solve problems in unique ways by looking at things from a different perspective. They are also very sensitive, independent, and enthusiastic.
‘Creators’ might be very artistic, but they can also be creative in other ways. They appreciate beauty, sights, sounds, and textures.
‘Creators’ flourish in in jobs where they are allowed to do things their own way, without having to follow set patterns. They need plenty of room for creativity and need to be allowed to push boundaries.
If you are a ‘Creator’, then you might be best suited for one of these professions:
- Artist
- Filmmaker
- Fashion designer
- Web designer
- Writer
- Copywriter
- Furniture maker
- Costume designer
- Make-up artist
- Fashion model
- Photographer
- Musician
- Publicist
- Tour guide
- Editor
- Interior designer
- Stylist
- Window dresser
You are a ‘Helper’!
You are a ‘Helper’!
A ‘Helper’ is social, friendly, and good with communication. They are intuitive, sensitive to work environments, and great at dealing with emotions. They are also natural leaders, and are usually very responsible.
If you are a ‘Helper’, then you will flourish in work environments where you can work with people, manage others, and take charge. Team dynamics is also very important for enjoying your work.
If you are a ‘Helper’, then you might be best suited for a career in:
- Childcare
- Education
- Medicine
- Law
- Psychology
- Nutrition
- Nursing
- Religion
- Public health
- Human resources
- TV or radio presenting
- Tourism
- Speech therapy
- Beauty therapy
You are a ‘Persuader’!
You are a ‘Persuader’!
The best business people, politicians, and leaders are ‘Persuaders’! They are enterprising and entrepreneurial, and make good managers.
A ‘Persuader’ likes taking risks. They are assertive, social, ambitious, and enthusiastic. They are often the life of a party as well.
A ‘Persuader’ flourishes in work that:
- Is goal oriented
- Requires strong leadership
- Is financially rewarding
- Is challenging
They like working with people with whom they can have lively discussions and debates. They are usually very compulsive, energetic, and motivated.
If you are a ‘Persuader’, then you might be best suited for one of these professions:
- Entrepreneur
- Hotel manager
- Lawyer
- Manager
- Event planner
- Producer
- Logistics manager
- Recruiter
- Financial manager
- School principal
- Sales agent
- Retail agent
- Politician
- Office manager
- Human resource manager
- Consultant
You are an ‘Organiser’!
You are an ‘Organiser’!
‘Organisers’ pay close attention to detail. They are task oriented, responsible, and good with numbers. They use their minds to get things done.
An ‘Organiser’ solves problems by making lists and following rules and patterns. This is not to say they are boring - ‘Organisers’ can be very creative in the work they do as well.
An ‘Organiser’ will flourish in a work environment that requires:
- Data collection and sorting
- Writing
- The use of computers
- Maths, numbers, data points and patterns
If you are an ‘Organiser’, then you might be best suited for a career in:
- Accounting
- Bookkeeping
- Banking
- Business
- Economics
- Computer engineering
- IT
- Administration
- Market research
- Tax
- Editing
- Technical writing
- Insurance
- Research