what anime girl are you?

just for fun lets see what cute and awesome anime girl you are, smart,shy,punk? lets find out!

Created by panderson (User Generated Content*)User Generated Content is not posted by anyone affiliated with, or on behalf of, Playbuzz.com.
On Dec 17, 2015

what is your fav color?

do you like anime

choose a weapon

what kind of music do you like?

pick an element



You are like May, a sweet but awesome loving girl, you love music and people and when people need a good song they come to you.



You are lily, a sweet girl who loves nature and animals! you love the color green and are nice to everyone.



You are like Mini, a shy but fun girl, you like to keep things to your self, you are a great artist and have a good amount of friends and humor.



you are like Alex, out going and strong you love to show off your coolness and awesome gadgets, you can get a hot head sometimes put are always cool around your peeps!

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