Which Mentor from Your Favorite Fantasy Stories are You?

Every great story has a character filled with wisdom and morality who leads the hero through their journey. Each of these mentors has their own style and grace, which begs the question, which mentor from your favorite fantasy stories are you?

Created by PartnersMentoringYouth (User Generated Content*)User Generated Content is not posted by anyone affiliated with, or on behalf of, Playbuzz.com.
On Mar 29, 2017

When someone comes to you seeking advice, do you...

When you are trying to teach someone, do you...

When things get tough for someone and you try to get them back on the right course, do you...

When someone is in need, are you...

When someone makes a critical mistake, do you tell them...

What makes you want to be great?

Gandalf (Lord of the Rings)

Gandalf (Lord of the Rings)

Gandalf mentors several members of the Fellowship of The Ring throughout the series, including Frodo and Bilbo Baggins. He shares his wisdom and reverence for power, and guides the heroes through their adventures, but also leaves them to deal with challenges on their own. Gandalf provides help on the journey and teaches the team the importance of courage. He shares his guidance with others and can be quoted as saying, “All we have to decide is what to do with the time that is given to us.”

Professor Dumbledore (Harry Potter)

Professor Dumbledore (Harry Potter)

Professor Dumbledore provides Harry with wisdom, guiding advice, and many life lessons, including the importance of love and friendship. Even though he keeps a close eye on Harry, Professor Dumbledore allows him to discover things himself and confront challenges head on and constantly offers words of wisdom, including, “It is our choices, Harry, that show what we truly are, far more than our abilities.”

Yoda (Star Wars)

Yoda (Star Wars)

“Do. Or do not. There is no try.” This quote, like his many other quotes, shows Yoda’s wisdom and efforts to teach Luke to focus on the present, and essentially, to grow up. Yoda demonstrates, as a great mentor does, how to give support, how to offer challenges that permit one to learn and grow, and how to provide vision so that the mentee gains confidence and, eventually, independence.

Alfred (Batman)

Alfred (Batman)

Alfred does all the things a mentor would do, including stitching up wounds and figuring out where to buy all the cool toys. But more importantly, he lends his wisdom and perspective to Bruce when needed: helping him look at problems in a different way and explore tactics he might not have considered. That's the job of a good mentor, and like any mentor, Alfred ultimately has to step aside and let Bruce make the final call himself.

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