We Know What You Wish For Xmas Based On Your Disney Loves

All I want for Christmas is.....

Patty Gerald
Created by Patty Gerald
On Mar 29, 2017

Who would you want to kiss under the mistletoe?

What's your favorite Christmas snack?

Pick a fun Christmas activity?

What trait do you want your Prince Charming/Princess to have?

Pick a Disney Christmas song:

Which of these is your favorite Disney Christmas movie?

Which Disney sidekick is your favorite?

Pick a passionate kiss:

All I Want For Christmas Is Family Time

All I Want For Christmas Is Family Time

All you want for Christmas this year is some family time! You treasure the memories that you have of your whole family together, whether it's eating, playing or opening presents. You miss the days where you were once a kid and still want to keep the magic alive on Christmas! To help in making your wish come true, gather your family around to watch old home videos and reminisce on the good ole days!

All I Want For Christmas Is Laughter

All I Want For Christmas Is Laughter

All you want for Christmas this year is laughter! You embody the joyous spirit that spreads throughout Christmas time, and you want to make sure that spirit stays alive during your holiday festivities. When you see Ho-Ho-Ho, you hear Ha-Ha-Ha! After all, as the saying goes: Life is better when you're laughing. To help make your wish come true, watch some Christmas comedies to keep the laughter alive!

All I Want For Christmas Is Love

All I Want For Christmas Is Love

What you want for Christmas this year is love - and who could blame you! Love makes those grey, cold, winter mornings warm and full of light. Love warms the body and mind and this Christmas you want that sensation again. Much like Mariah Carey, you "dont care about the presents underneath the Christmas tree," all you want for Christmas is true love!

All I Want For Christmas Is Money

All I Want For Christmas Is Money

All you want for Christmas this year is money! After all, you just spent all this money getting your loved ones great gifts - you're wishing for some in return! You'd prefer to pick out your own presents, so this Christmas hopefully you snuggle by the fire and count some cold, hard moo-la!

All I Want For Christmas Is A Vacation

All I Want For Christmas Is A Vacation

All you want for Christmas this year is a vacation! After all your hard work this year, you deserve one! It's been a long, tough stretch and what you want is some me-time to relax and not have to worry about work, and maybe even your family or friends. You just want time to work on yourself and take care of your body and mind, and there is nothing wrong with that!

All I Want For Christmas Is New Clothes

All I Want For Christmas Is New Clothes

All you want for Christmas this year is new clothes! With new trends surfacing this time of year, you want to stay on top of current fashions and what better way to do that then to wish for new clothes from your family and friends! Best part about presents is you don't have to worry about those price tags. All you need to worry about is looking fabulous in your new garb!

These are 10 of the World CRAZIEST Ice Cream Flavors
Created by Tal Garner
On Nov 18, 2021