What Does Your Taco Order Say About You?
What Does Your Taco Order Say About You?
Crispy or soft? Corn or flour? Pork or veg? These seemingly trivial decisions say it all.
Crispy or soft? Corn or flour? Pork or veg? These seemingly trivial decisions say it all.
Which tortilla do you prefer?
Crispy or soft?
What kind of cheese?
Pick a filling:
Pick your favorite salsa:
Would you be able to enjoy a this raw tuna taco?
You'd rather drizzle your taco with:
Do you put salt on your tacos before tasting them?
Favorite condiment:
How spicy do you like it?
Guac belongs on a taco:
The Traditionalist
The Traditionalist
If it ain't broke, don't fix it. You see the value in tried and true forms. You're not fooled by shiny bells and whistles, you know how you like things and see no need to mess with that. You're nostalgic and love to reminisce about the past. You appreciate the simple things in life. When you see a fancy fusion caviar and quail taco on the menu, you cringe. To you, a taco should be just that--a taco.
The Fancy Pants
The Fancy Pants
For you, the traditional taco just isn't enough. You need the creme de la creme. You're not high-maintenance, you're mediocrity-intolerant. You want the best in life-- Starbucks employees fear your wrath. You work hard for your money and you don't want to waste it on anything less than perfect. You need a partner that wows you and your friends. Lucky for you, you're super lovable and it shouldn't be hard to find...you have more admirers than you realize.
The Hedonist
The Hedonist
You live in the moment. You know tomorrow may be your last, so you may as well get extra cheese on your nachos. You have a voracious appetite for life (and tacos.) You're generous and like to nourish others. You are comfortable being who you are and don't need to try and be something you're not. You're bold and know what you want, when and how. You don't forget to appreciate the present.