How well do you know Harry Potter and the Sorcerers Stone?

Will you be exeptict to Hogwarts?

Peyton Northrop
Created by Peyton Northrop (User Generated Content*)User Generated Content is not posted by anyone affiliated with, or on behalf of,
On Jul 9, 2016
1 / 11

Who is the first person shown in the movie?

2 / 11

Where does Harry and His cousin go for Dudley's birthday?

3 / 11

How may gifts does Dudley get?

4 / 11

How much mail do they get in the movie?

5 / 11

What does Harry make for the Dursley's on Sunday?

6 / 11

What kind of cake did Harry get from Hagrid?

7 / 11

Besides Harry why did Hagrid go to Gringotts?

8 / 11

Who is the first person to talk about Voldemort?

9 / 11

What's curious about the death of his parents and his friends?

10 / 11

Which 2 people were Quidditch seekers as well as Harry?

11 / 11

Which one from the trio ended up in the hospital?

Questions left
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On Nov 18, 2021