Can You Pass The Southern Lingo Challenge?
Can You Pass The Southern Lingo Challenge?
If ya can, we'll be happier than ol' Blue layin' on the porch chewin' on a big ol' catfish head.
If ya can, we'll be happier than ol' Blue layin' on the porch chewin' on a big ol' catfish head.
What does this expression mean?
Which house would someone who's "living in high cotton" own?
Which one of these expressions would you NOT use to say that someone is upset?
Is she being nice or not so much?
What does this expression mean?
If you're looking for the "clicker" you're looking for the __.
What does, "too big for your britches" mean?
If I ask you to pass me a coke, what do I want?
If you're pretending to be asleep , you're__.
If a man is confused, he probably doesn't know__.
Someone from the North is called a __.
Well, aren't you as smart as all get out?
Well, aren't you as smart as all get out?
Congratulations, you got the top score! You can give yourself a mighty pat on the back for knowing all your Southern terms and expressions down pat! You're lucky to be part of the illustrious culture of the Southern U.S. of A!
What's your favorite southern expression? Tell us in the comments!
You sure as heck know your stuff!
You sure as heck know your stuff!
Sure, you got a couple of these questions wrong, but you seem to know your stuff anyway! You probably throw a y'all or two into your daily conversations, but you leave it to Uncle Jim to tell people that he's, "Happy as a dead pig in the sunshine. " Still, you know you're a Southerner by the grace of God!
What's your favorite southern expression? Tell us in the comments!
I reckon you've only got one oar in the water!
I reckon you've only got one oar in the water!
So you don't really know your Southern terms and expressions. Well, there ain't no time like the present to brush up on our colorful and folksy ways! I do believe you'll be talkin' just like us in no time, just you wait!
What's your favorite southern expression? Tell us in the comments!