What Animal Are You Like When You're Angry?
What Animal Are You Like When You're Angry?
When you're angry do you pounce like a tiger or attack like a shark?
When you're angry do you pounce like a tiger or attack like a shark?

How often do you become angry?
When someone makes you angry, how do you react?
Which of these things would upset you the most?
Do you feel as though you can't control yourself when you're angry?
What calms you down when you get really mad?
Which of these individuals do you usually become most upset with?
Finish this sentence: An eye for an eye ______.
Have you ever plotted revenge against someone who has wronged you?
95% Tiger, 5% Kitten
95% Tiger, 5% Kitten
When you are angry, you are like a fierce, frightening tiger who will pounce on your prey when provoked! Tigers hunt alone which explains why you are so independent and resourceful! However, there is a small part of your personality that would rather avoid confrontation, especially with loved ones. Instead you’d rather just cuddle up like a kitten, take a nap and purr your problems away! MEOW!
50% Wolf, 50% Lion
50% Wolf, 50% Lion
Both tigers and wolves are territorial animals which represents your commitment to protecting your space and those in it. Anyone who threatens your safety is in big trouble! In addition, wolves are social creatures who travel in packs so when you’re angry, you communicate with those who have upset you in order to maintain serenity among the group. However, just like a lion, you’re not afraid to let out a mighty, intimidating roar when you’re really upset!
75% Lion, 25% Mouse
75% Lion, 25% Mouse
When you feel upset or angry, it is important for you to stand your ground and be heard, just like a mighty lion. However, there are certain situations in which you’d rather handle things quickly and quietly, like a mouse. This illustrates that you know how to choose your battles appropriately and deal with confrontation and anger in a healthy manner.
95% Shark, 5% Goldfish
95% Shark, 5% Goldfish
When you get angry, you’re like a shark that smells blood; you’re ready to attack! While you may have an intimidating presence when you’re mad, you know how to execute confrontation in a calculated manner. There are times, however in which you’d rather settle disputes quietly and swim through life without making scene, just like a goldfish.
100% Kitten
100% Kitten
The truth is, you don’t really get angry at all. It’s just not your style. Sure, things might upset you now and then, but you’d rather just snuggle up and cuddle than get angry and lash out at others. It’s important to remember to stick up for yourself, so don’t be afraid to let out a mighty roar like a fierce feline!