What Carnivore Are You?

Are you the skilled wolf or the strong lion? Take this quiz to find out.

Created by WolvesRox (User Generated Content*)User Generated Content is not posted by anyone affiliated with, or on behalf of, Playbuzz.com.
On Dec 3, 2015

Where would you live?

What would you live in?

What is your biggest strength?

How would your friends describe you?

What do you find in a person?

What is most important to you?

You are exploring and find someone in a trap, what do you do?

You find a wolf pack that are all trained by a human. What do you do?

Pick a relaxing place.

What animal do you THINK you'll be?

What animal do you WANT to be?

Which animal would you want as a friend?

What do you think of my quiz?



Congratulations, you are the strong lion! You are very strong, making you a little slow. Your ability of strength is very amazing! Your roar can make even the stronger animals run off, you usually live out in the open or in a nice warm cave. You're smart, and don't back down on a fight.



Awesome! You are the dog! A beloved canine and best friend. Everyone loves you and wants to be around you all the time. If not, you're probably someone who likes to be alone, but will also be around others who are alike you. You're normally nice and very fierce when protecting others.



Epic! You are the wolf! A quick and intelligent creature, you are quick and very strong. You are both wise, strong, and very stealthy. You are beautiful and most people who understand you would love to be around you. You are skilled and love able, You are loyal and extremely brave.



How sneaky, you are the cat! A quick and intelligent feline. You are sometimes grouchy or mad at something, other times you often feel soft and kind to those you know. Sometimes you're selfless, sometimes you're not. You are skilled and don't really hang out with others.



Cool! You're a tiger. You are the beautiful tiger, you are loyal and brave. You're strong and probably popular. Everyone likes you and look up to you, you're caring and very responsible. You're kind and grateful and will always be that person that they can always count on.



Awesome, you are the bear. You are large and usually a gentle giant. You will fight for yourself if you really need to, you are smart and not too fast. But you are very kind to those you are used to every now and then. You eat quite often..... no offense since you're a bear and all.



Congrats, you are the hyena! A swift and quite full thought of creature. You are very fast and really depend on others when you are in need of it. You don't usually share though, but you are normally kind to others when you feel like it.



How sneaky, you are the raccoon. You are quick and sneaky, and will usually lie and take what you want. When there isn't much to steal you are very good at providing for yourself. You're very smart and extremely swift and sneaky. Also, you love to have.

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