What Kind Of Person Are You Based On Your Music Taste?
What Kind Of Person Are You Based On Your Music Taste?
What does your musical persona say about you?
What does your musical persona say about you?

The year is 2006. What song is playing on your Sony CD Walkman NE300?
Who would you rather have dinner and drinks with?
How do you listen to music?
What band would you go on tour with?
What t-shirt are you most likely to be wearing?
Finish this sentence:
Music is better when _________________
How long ago did you listen to music?
How do you feel when you've just heard an amazing song?
Life of the party
Life of the party
Congratulations! You're the life of the party! But you already knew that. Based on your music taste, you know how to get everyone on their feet and having a great time. If anyone can be trusted with the AUX cord, it's you!
Deep AF
Deep AF
You're deep AF! You take music very seriously and you would rather hear something meaningful when it comes to music. You appreciate intricate lyrics with hidden meanings. Your taste in music cannot be beat!
Class clown
Class clown
No situation would be complete without the resident comedian. You're hilarious and you know how to have a good time - namely hitting play on the throwback tunes every now and then. You love a guilty pleasure blaring out of your headphones!