What Type Of Princess Are You?
What Type Of Princess Are You?
Ever wondered what type of princess you'd be in a fairytale? Well, you're about to find out...
Ever wondered what type of princess you'd be in a fairytale? Well, you're about to find out...

Pick your favorite:
Okay, what's your favourite colour?
What word would you use to describe yourself?
Do you consider yourself a romantic or not?
How would you describe the group of friends you hang out with?
How many best friends do you have?
Do you believe in your dreams, no matter how unrealistic they get?
Is this glass half full or half empty?
You would rather...?
The Warrior
The Warrior
You are the Warrior Princess! You're a rare prize among princesses, so don't pay attention when people scoff at your unladylike manners. Perhaps they're just smoldering underneath because they didn't take that chance to stand out when they were younger!
You have a true and loyal heart and you won't desert anyone in times of trouble. You are a standing stone for your friends to lean upon and they know that you'll always be there for them, no matter which way the tides are flowing. You won't stand for injustice or anything of the kind, which also makes you a good leader.
The Strong Ruler
The Strong Ruler
You are the Strong Ruler! Wow, many princesses have tried and failed at this concept. Some may disapprove of a female leader, but you just brush off that fact and keep on ruling! Even if you haven't discovered your gift of leadership yet, trust me, it's in there and it'll take shape when it needs to.
You see the fine line between what's right and what's wrong, and make no exceptions. If there is a battle going on, you do what's best for your people, even if it's drawing back. Your friends and neighboring countries know that you are beautiful, kind, immovable, and smart. You are just, considerate, and loyal, and your subjects love you. Keep up your good ruling, girl!
The Dreamer
The Dreamer
You are the Dreamer princess! Not many princesses have your gift of imagination and creativity. A lot of people disapprove of a dreamy princess, but you don't listen to what they say. In fact, you even pity them! What would it be like to have no imagination like that?
You love drifting off into your make-believe world and have made a secret vow to never let go of your dreams. Ever. You can find unique ways to do things that most people wouldn't have thought of. You just might possibly believe in fairies and elves, and because of that, they "just might possibly" believe in you, too. :) Through all of your daydreaming, you are also a good listener and can be very down-to-earth when you need to be. Your friends depend on you to help them through life's toughest spots and you can always brighten nearly anyone's day. Believe it or not, your greatest wishes can come true, if you keep your dreamer heart close at hand.
The Adventurer
The Adventurer
You are the Adventurer princess! You love it when things get dangerous, or when you overhear a secret being told. Again, like the Warrior princess, many people frown upon your possibly-improper behavior, but who cares? You're too busy to think about that at the moment, what with riding to the rescue and all of that good stuff...
You are smart and know what a plan looks like. Not only that, but once you have a plan in your head, you can actually complete it without too much of a problem. The surprising part is this: you never find adventures when you're looking for them - they find you when you least expect it! But even when that happens, you're always prepared. There are hardly any other princesses around who are as smart, sharp, loyal, and daring as you, so don't stop adventuring, my friend!
The Beauty
The Beauty
You are the Beauty! Many princesses are beautiful, but you hold something else in your pretty gaze. Not only is your appearance breathtaking, but your mind is as cunning as your looks. Lots of people may pass you off as just a beautiful princess, but they are missing what's below the surface.
Beneath that pretty face and fancy outfit is a girl who knows her stuff. You are smart and funny, once people get to know you, and if you become a ruler, everyone will love you - not only for your beauty, but for what's inside. Many people are falling for you and are scrambling over each other for your hand., but only one will succeed. You are wise, and are still waiting for just the right one, who will come along very soon. ;)
The Evil One
The Evil One
You are the evil princess! Whoa, girl, you're a piece of work! Though being evil is generally looked down on, it can be useful if someone's you want to take revenge on someone. There's certainly no holding back with you.
Your fiery spirit can get you nearly anywhere, and you have an aura of strength around you wherever you go. Even though you get in arguments pretty often, and you think it's complete normal to drag people online for no reason, you love your family and friends.