Which TV House Should You Live In?

Pack your bags, we're moving!

Created by PopBuzz
On Aug 15, 2016

First of all, what type of house do you wanna move to?

Who's moving in with ya?!

What's the first meal you're gonna have in your crib?

Pick a snazzy new rug to lay on the floor of your new crib:

How do you feel about cleaning?

Pick a sultry boudoir to run your empire from:

Pick a show to binge watch on Friday nights in your new crib:

Pick a dog to have as a pet:

Murder House

Murder House

You're moving to the Murder House from American Horror Story! You're all about the dark, moody and gothic vibes so this place is definitely for you. One small problem - it's haunted. But you seem like the kind of person who could handle that? RIGHT? Anyway, don't forget to pack plenty of Holy Water - you'll need it!

Monica's Apartment

Monica's Apartment

You're moving into Monica and Rachel's apartment from Friends! You're a colourful dreamer - you've always wanted to the dream right in the heart of New York City. Friends are the most important to you (duh!) and there's nothing you love more than chilling' at home with a pal and a good TV show. Jackpot.

Sheldon and Leonard's Apartment

Sheldon and Leonard's Apartment

You're moving to Sheldon and Leonard's apartment from The Big Bang Theory! You like to have your own space and surrounding yourself with your favourite things is most important to you. While you enjoy the company of others, you're never truly comfortable until you're finally left in your own sweet peace.

Ted and Marshall's Apartment

Ted and Marshall's Apartment

You're moving into Ted and Marshall's apartment from "How I Met your Mother!" You crave independence and this apartment is the perfect place for you to really get your "adult" on. You're pretty straight-laced but you also enjoy letting your hair down once in a while, which is ideal 'cause we heard there's a pretty cool bar downstairs!

The Loft from "New Girl"

The Loft from "New Girl"

You're moving to the loft from "New Girl"! Jaaaaaackpot or WHAT?! You've always thought it would be cool to move into a sprawling contemporary loft space and now you have! You're quirky, you enjoy putting your own stamp on things and you LOVE having all that space to throw parties in! You're a crazy about your friends, so it's only right that they all become your roommates - there's space for everyone!

The Apartment Above Bob's Burgers

The Apartment Above Bob's Burgers

You're moving to the apartment above Bob's Burgers! You enjoy the simple things in life. You don't need fancy, instagrammable vibes for you to be able to live your life. As long as you've got your friends and family - you're set. But like, an apartment above a burger joint? HELLO! HOW IDEAL IS THAT?!

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