Which My Little Pony princess are you?
Which My Little Pony princess are you?
Are you the dignified ruler of the sun, rebellious princess of the moon, nurturing guardian of love, or responsible princess of friendship?
Are you the dignified ruler of the sun, rebellious princess of the moon, nurturing guardian of love, or responsible princess of friendship?
In your free time, you like to...
Which place in Equestria can you call home?
Are you more active during the day or night?
How big do you like your group of friends?
Are you reckless?
Are you an introvert or an extrovert?
Which element of harmony are you?
Lastly, are you fascinated by history?
Princess Celestia
Princess Celestia
Wise, dignified, and responsible, you are the ultimate role model! You know what to do when in times of struggle or crisis, and friends can rely on you to brighten up their day. Good job! Not many can say the same!
Princess Luna
Princess Luna
You have likely faced your inner darkness at one point or another, and you know first hoof how hard it can be to overcome it. You are a bit socially awkward and are not the most popular in school or your workplace, but you still have a big heart and lots of compassion to share.
Princess Cadance
Princess Cadance
You are popular, or at least very well-liked amongst your peers, but that doesn't mean you haven't had your share of hardships. You show kindness to everyone and they all know who to come to for advice. Keep on being an awesome pony!
Princess Twilight
Princess Twilight
You, like Princess Twilight Sparkle, have found sanctuary in the wondrous world of books and treasure friendships very much. While you can be a bit of a control freak at times, you usually know how to solve conflicts due to your vast knowledge from reading books. Keep it up!