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The hardest Potter quiz EVER made!
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How tall is Rubeus Hagrid? (ft&in)
Where does Harry find the real Salazar Slytherin locket?
Which of the following is not a Deathly Hollow?
Which Horcrux did Harry Potter find first?
When was Harry Potter born?
What is Ron Weasley's patronus?
Who was the defence against the Dark Arts in Harry Potter and the chamber of secrets?
Which of the following is the only Death Eater not to have been in Slytherin?
What is the name of this bank?
Who was the headmaster of Hogwarts before Albus Dumbledore?
What creature pulls the carriage of students from the train to Hogwarts?
What object was used as a Portkey for transporting Harry and his friends to the Quidditch World Cup?
What charm did Hermione use on Cormac McLaggen during the quidditch try outs?
What is the name of these magical creatures?
Which of the following is a 'Squib'?
Which dragon does Viktor Krum have to contend with in the triwizard tournament?
Who is Madam Hooch?
What was the name of Luna Lovegood's father?