What Sport Are You Meant For?
What Sport Are You Meant For?
Thinking of trying out a new sport? Try this completely non-scientific quiz and let us help you choose which sport you should be amazing at!
Thinking of trying out a new sport? Try this completely non-scientific quiz and let us help you choose which sport you should be amazing at!

How would you describe your level of fitness?
Do you want a shot at the title or be a member of the team?
What is better, your hand-eye-coordination, or your foot-eye-coordination?
How do you feel about contact sports?
Are you competitive?
Which of these words best describes you?
Which of the following activities would you choose if you could only do one during a vacation?
Which sport do you like most in the Winter Olympics?
...and the Summer Olympics?
For you, what's the purpose of sport?
Group sports are your thing, and you're not afraid to get physical, even if a bunch of really big guys are about to tackle you. You are social and don't mind getting a little sweaty from time to time. Try your luck on the football field, the NFL is waiting!
You're flexible, positive and determined. You're happy working as part of a team, but work equally as well on your own - Tennis ticks all the boxes! Go out and try it!
You are social, relaxed and fun - a sport that is both social and non-competitive is perfect for you! Having fun in the snow is just the bonus
You are disciplined, head-strong and like to be in control, why not hone those skills by learning to defend yourself? Kick Boxing is also great for reducing stress - give it a try, you were born to kick ass!
You are energetic, social and are known to get very competitive! Channel that energy and competitivity into Basketball and you will do well. No matter how tall you are, this is a slam dunk!
You're hard-working, driven and competitive. You prefer to work alone, as others can slow you down - track is the perfect platform for you to show others what you're made of. You can do it!!
Maybe it's your love of water or that you're just looking for a gentle and non-competitive sport. Either way, swimming is perfect for you - give it a go!
Let's face it, sports are not your thing. Let the others do all the hard work and go do something fun (like watch TV) instead!