Which Enchanted Harry Potter Object Belonged To You In A Past Life?
Which Enchanted Harry Potter Object Belonged To You In A Past Life?
Who you are today indicates which magical object had an effect on your past...
Who you are today indicates which magical object had an effect on your past...
Which shop would you love a gift card to?
Choose an era of Harry's hair:
What do you desire most?
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Choose a deathly hallow:
You were a rightful owner of The Deluminator in a past life! This enchanted object is known to remove light sources from the Deluminator's immediate surroundings, as well as bestow them. This object has the ability to transport a wizard, via a light through the heart, to where his or her favourite (or most treasured) people are is curiously similar to the epitaph Dumbledore selected for his mother and sister: "Where your treasure is, there will your heart be also." The fact that you're so caring and kind today indicates that you brought light into many people's lives in your past life, undoubtedly with this enchanted object!
You were a rightful owner of the Remembrall in a past life! A Remembrall is a tennis ball-sized glass ball that contains smoke that turns red when its owner has forgotten something. It turns clear once whatever was forgotten is remembered. You're a very organized person who cares a lot about getting important things done in your day to day life. However, there's always a chaos you have to deal with when it comes to your work, so you often turned to your Remembrall to help clear things up! This enchanted object was one you swore by in your past life, too bad you can't still use one today!
You were the rightful owner of a Time-Turner in a past life! A Time-Turner is a special timepiece in which an Hour-Reversal Charm has been encased, for added stability. It is a device used for time travel, and it resembles an hourglass on a necklace. You have a bold and intelligent characteristics that indicate you would have been worthy of and granted one of these magical artifacts in your past life, as you undoubtedly would have been able to navigate around all potential chaos associated with it and use its powers for good!
Sorting Hat
Sorting Hat
You were the rightful owner of the Sorting Hat in your past life! The Sorting Hat is a sentient Hogwarts artifact which magically determines to which of the four school Houses each new student is to be assigned, but more than that, is entrusted with thousands of years of wisdom. You know how to read people's skills and personalities after a brief encounter, and can size people up in a pinch, so naturally the Sorting Hat would have been by your side in your past life!