How Well Do You Know The 100?

Challenging questions to test how well you know The 100.

Raelene Giordano
Created by Raelene Giordano (User Generated Content*)User Generated Content is not posted by anyone affiliated with, or on behalf of,
On Feb 29, 2016
1 / 28

How did Clarke Dye her hair red?

2 / 28

Why does Lexa have no kill marks?

3 / 28

What's the name of Miller's boyfriend?

4 / 28

What's Monroe's first name?

5 / 28

Which character did Brenda Strong play?

6 / 28

Who said the quote, "I'm nobodys son"?

7 / 28

What does "Yu gonplei ste odon" mean in Trigedasleng?

8 / 28

How many years were the people living on the arc before coming back down to Earth?

9 / 28

Who shot Chancellor Jaha in Season 1?

10 / 28

Why was Murphy banished from the rest of the group?

11 / 28

How much time did the Mountain Men give Jasper and the rest of the group to surrender while Maya was in the Hazmat Suit?

12 / 28

What did Octavia tell Jasper to hold when he was hallucinating grounders in the camp?

13 / 28

Why was Octavia arrested on the arc?

14 / 28

What is Monty's last name?

15 / 28

What did Bellamy tell Charlotte to do?

16 / 28

What did Monty and Jasper both go to jail for?

17 / 28

How does Finn die?

18 / 28

Who told Jaha that Clarke's father was planning on telling everyone the oxygen was low on the arc?

19 / 28

What did Abby trade in order to get a pressure regulator for Raven?

20 / 28

What happened when Monty tries to use Clarke's wristband to communicate with the arc?

21 / 28

After Jasper frantically keeps missing Raven's bomb on the bridge, who comes at exactly the right moment to help him?

22 / 28

Who does Commander Shumway tell Dax to kill in order for his mom to go to Earth?

23 / 28

What does Bellamy blame himself for?

24 / 28

Who is Octavia's first love interest that dies in Season 1?

25 / 28

Who is the grounder princess in Season 1?

26 / 28

Where was the drop ship supposed to land?

27 / 28

Who stayed behind to launch the pods to the ground?

28 / 28

Who killed a village of women and children?

Questions left
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