How Well Do You Know Arthur?
How Well Do You Know Arthur?
From Arthur's tree house to Brain's ice cream shop, how well do you know the children's show Arthur?
From Arthur's tree house to Brain's ice cream shop, how well do you know the children's show Arthur?

What fictional city does Arthur take place in?
What type of animal is Arthur Read's family?
What grade is Arthur and his friends in?
Which character develops asthma?
What is the name of Arthur's elementary school?
What job does David Read (Arthur's dad) have?
Which one of these places is not a common hang out area for Arthur and his friends?
What are the names of the Tibble twins?
Does Muffy have an older brother?
Prunella is a fourth grader at Lakewood Elementary and she loves reading what fictional book based off of Harry Potter?
Arthur is based off of a book series written by which author?
What does D.W. (Arthur's sister's name) stand for?
What year was the first episode of Arthur aired?
Which character is known to be a tom boy?
What grade is Binky Barnes supposed to be in?
What's the name of the spin off series from Arthur?
Which character is Jewish?
What is Brain's real first name?
What is the name of the new student who arrived at Lakewood Elementary in season 16?
Which one of these people were not guest stars on Arthur?
Fern Walters can best be described as...
The name of Muffy's chauffeur is...
Ed Crosswire (Muffy's father) owns what business?
The principal at Lakewood Elementary is..
What is D.W.'s favorite TV show that annoys Arthur?
What does Buster collect?
What is Lakewood Elementary's rival school?
What is Arthur and Buster's favorite TV show?
What is Mrs. McGrady's job at Lakewood Elementary?
What is Mr. Ratburn's first name?
What is D.W.'s imaginary friend's name?
What is the name of Arthur's dog?
Binky Barnes has a baby sister adopted from what country?
Which of these are not lines from the theme song?