Which Of The 6 Types Of Thinkers Are You?
Which Of The 6 Types Of Thinkers Are You?
How does YOUR mind work? Are you a dreamer or a disruptor? Maybe the natural born leader? Let's find out which of the 6 types of thinkers you are!
How does YOUR mind work? Are you a dreamer or a disruptor? Maybe the natural born leader? Let's find out which of the 6 types of thinkers you are!

Rate yourself on the scale.
The Dreamer
The Dreamer
You're the dreamer! You never cease imagining what's not, what's next and what's possible. You think big and always look to stretch the bounds of what is considered achievable. You never stop asking, "what if?' and supply your social circle with an electric and optimistic creative energy!
The Debater
The Debater
You're the debater! You question your assumptions, call out your leap of faith logic and point out the flaws in the plan. You play devil's advocate and take pride in challenging others to improve their ideas. You see problems long before others, and you keep everyone grounded and prepared. Your questioning nature forces others to strengthen the rigor of their arguments. You are essential to any social group or work environment!
The Disruptor
The Disruptor
You're the disruptor! You challenge the status quo and break others out of their mental ruts and insular perspectives by bringing a fresh and far-ranging point of view. The best disruptors are intellectually curious, lateral thinkers who are first to spot latent competitors and untapped opportunities in the market. You're a true revolutionary at heart!
The Driver
The Driver
You're the driver! Drivers are natural leaders, bringing a crusading, concentrated vision to all work and supplying forward momentum when everyone else is losing steam or motivation. You are positively relentless in pursuing an idea, galvanizing support for it and keeping it on track. You can be a fantastic advocate for others and you keep everyone focussed on real solutions. You are a natural born leader!
The Detailer
The Detailer
You're the detailer! This type digs into every facet of a project. You focus on practicalities and save everyone else from silly mistakes and fatal design flaws because you think through all the angles and implications. You identify what's missing in even the best-laid plans and can diagnose the precise point when something could break or be improved. You're truly a life saver!
The Doer
The Doer
You're the doer! You're a wonderfully resourceful person who gets stuff done, no matter what. You roll up your sleeves and find the solution! You are great a colleague to those who devise the grand strategy because you get it delivered on time, all the time. You're practical, responsible and independent. Your motto is less talk, more action! Quite impressive!