Would You Survive?

You are alone at home with just your best friend. There is a massive earthquake and the house is beginning to collapse.

Created by Raychel (User Generated Content*)User Generated Content is not posted by anyone affiliated with, or on behalf of, Playbuzz.com.
On May 11, 2015

What would you grab first?

You are racing towards the door, your friend trips and twists their ankle. You....

You made it out of the house and ran to the main street for help. (phone lines down) The oil and electricity pipes broke and now the the buildings are beginning to burn down. You...

You survived the fire. You and the remaining survivors walk to the port, however the recent Earthquake caused a tsunami to destroy the whole port. The first thing you would do is...

You spend the night at the port. The group decides to take turns taking watch. You volunteer to take the first watch. It is pitch black and you hear loud footsteps and heavy breathing approaching fast. You...

You made it through the night. The group begins to travel again and make their way inland. They are in the the middle of a wide river when a flash-flood comes. You...

After crossing the river, there are only half as many survivors and supplies. The group begins the trek through a dense jungle. You are walking a little behind the main group when you hear heavy breathing on your neck. You...

You and your group are still going through the forest but you've all run out of supplies. You are split into two groups. You are put into the hunting group but don't have a weapon to defend yourself. You...

The hunt is over and you have food. Most of the group was able to make it out of the jungle. You see a city in the distance. However it is in ruins and abandoned. You hear wolves in the direction of the city. You...

After several weeks of survival, your group has run out of water and is traveling under intense heat. You are on top of a large hill and see signs of civilization in the far far east. A little ways to the left you think you see a stream. You...

You survive!

You survive!

You are able to use your wits and intelligence to survive. After several weeks of travel and survival, you and your friend were reunited with your family.

You survived just barely!

You survived just barely!

A few bad decisions can really change the outcome. Always make sure to think things through and look at different possibilities.

You died

You died

After lots of struggle, you weren't able to make it back to your friends an family. You will always be remembered and live on in the hearts of those that you touched throughout your life and even in our survival group.

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