Which Golden Age Actress Are You At Heart?
Which Golden Age Actress Are You At Heart?
Which classic Hollywood beauty are you on the inside and out?
Which classic Hollywood beauty are you on the inside and out?

What does it mean to be comfortable in your own skin?
Which stereotypical role do you fall under?
Your leading man should act as which of the following?
What type of disposition do you maintain when working as part of a creative team?
Which Old Hollywood item do you refuse to leave the house without wearing?
To make your dreams come true, you need which mentality?
You're most likely to win an Oscar in which category?
What's the most trouble you've ever gotten yourself into?
Katharine Hepburn
Katharine Hepburn
You are Katharine Hepburn at heart! You are well known for your open mind and healthy lifestyle. You never turn down a challenge or even consider the idea of giving up on your dreams. Your bold personality and honest disposition grants you the respect and admiration you so well deserve, and it doesn't hurt that you're quite easy on the eyes!
Doris Day
Doris Day
You are Doris Day at heart! People consider you to be the all-american girl next door, with a bubbly personality that never fails to warm other people's moods. You like to remain private and are are referred to as enthusiastic and emotionally accommodating, especially since you're so easygoing which makes you hard to resist!
Bette Davis
Bette Davis
You are Bette Davis at heart! You may be strong willed and as "confrontational as a man", but that can easily be attributed to your independent thinking. You lack any type of shallow interest and treasure intellect over physical beauty, regardless of how stunning you are in the eyes of others. You love being in love and never take true romance for granted, but you'll never sacrifice your individual character traits to please a man!
Judy Garland
Judy Garland
You are Judy Garland at heart! You may be as funny as Lucille Ball and as fair as Snow White, but your strong sense of empathy is the main trait that draws people to you immediately. You have a resilient character and know how to push forward when things take a wrong turn, keeping a smile on your face as true inspiration to those who also find themselves in a bit of trouble at times!
Elizabeth Taylor
Elizabeth Taylor
You are Elizabeth Taylor at heart! Just because you're extremely seductive and hyper feminine, doesn't mean that you aren't inherently dominant and strong. You're blunt and never afraid to speak your mind, especially since you refuse to shy away from the spotlight. Your high energy is contagious and alluring, making heads turns and cautionary tales flourish anytime you walk into the room!
Audrey Hepburn
Audrey Hepburn
You are Audrey Hepburn at heart! Your quirky and superstitious idiosyncrasies never fall short of anything but endearing, and you possess a unique charm that dazzles others. But it's not just your looks that your fans admire; it's your level of intelligence and the sense of humility that accompanies it. You're the equivalent to mother nature with a classy edge, taking care of all living things that make their way into your limelight!
Grace Kelly
Grace Kelly
You are Grace Kelly at heart! You have a mischievous sense of humor that keeps people on their toes, along with an air of mystery that keeps everyone guessing. You manage to maintain a glamorous appearance even in the most trivial of activities, with a natural beauty that is undeniable. You're a true individual who enjoys the company of other eccentrics, and who can blame you for that? Normalcy can become quite boring!
Ingrid Bergman
Ingrid Bergman
You are Ingrid Bergman at heart! You stop the hearts of anyone in your presence with your natural, luminous beauty, but you still rock the opinions of others with your scandalous behavior. You don't like to relish in the glitz and glamour of a luxurious lifestyle and prefer to be comfortable in your own skin. When you find yourself in a bit of hot water you know just how to make a comeback and keep your crowds coming back for more!