Which League of Legends champion are you?
Which League of Legends champion are you?
Find out which League of Legends champion you are!
Find out which League of Legends champion you are!
Are you male or female?
Which do you prefer?
Which role do you prefer?
What is your weapon of choice?
What is your strongest/best trait?
Who would you rather date?
What is your favourite thing to do? (Except gaming)
You're Vi! A strong fighter who will never doubt facing enemies head-on. With endless courage and strength you will power through life like it was a game.
You got Ahri! A charming woman like you is never doubted. You're hot and have the magic to enchant anyone to fall madly in love with you (for a few seconds anyway).
You got Lux! Your personality is too strong for some people, but the ones that can take it, love you very much. With positivity and hope, life is just one smooth ride for you.
You're Taric! What can I say? You're fabulous. Gems suit you really well, and no amount of negativity can seem to bring you down, or make you change anything about yourself. Keep shining, superstar!
You got Sona! You don't say much, but still make a huge inpact on people. With those knockers you'll easily find a man who doesn't mind you being the shy one. With great musical skills, you might end up famous one day.
You're Draven! Yes, you are the life of the party. You get all the girls, and everyone loves you. Calm down your cockyness though, if that gets any worse people might start to dislike you. HAHA just kidding; LEAGUE OF DRAVEN
You're Braum! You are more about protecting than fighting. Sure, you'll go in when a friend needs help, but would rather just stay away from trouble. You're a caring, but very strong man.
You're Ekko! Your incredible powers make you undefeatable (until you get nerfed hard). We all love to hate you, but you don't care about haters, do you?